It’s that time of year again. While you can get a cold or the flu at any time of the year, the peak season in the United States begins in November and runs through February. This year’s flu season is further complicated by COVID-19.


By giving your immune system a much-needed boost now, it will have a robust line-of-defense in place whenever it comes into contact with airborne virus particles.

When it comes to staying healthy during cold and flu season, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has a lot to offer. 


First, just by having regular acupuncture treatments alone can help to boost the immune system enough to make it strong enough to prevent colds and flu from even happening.


Secondly, it can also provide super quick relief and faster healing if you happen to be unlucky enough to catch a nasty bug. In addition to bringing some immediate relief, these acupuncture treatments will also reduce the incidence of an upper respiratory tract infection from progressing and shorten the length of the illness.


Your immune system is your friend. It protects you from infection. Give it your full support, and in turn, it will support you. The immune system is your body’s surveillance system, working 24/7 to identify and eliminate the viruses and bacteria that will make you sick. A poor diet, chronic stress, lack of sleep, as well as certain medical conditions can greatly affect your immune system.

Having seasonal acupuncture treatments can serve to boost the immune system and correct minor annoyances before they become serious problems.


Call (904) 448-0046 to schedule an appointment today and see how acupuncture can help you stay healthy this flu season!

Better yet, check out our Cold & Flu Season Promotion here.


Here are 8 strategies that you can implement to strengthen your immune system this cold and flu season.

8 Tips to Stay Healthy as the Season Changes

1.  Schedule a Seasonal Tune-Up

Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can prevent colds and flu by building up the immune system.

2.  Wash Your Hands

A good lifestyle and hygiene habits are also proven to reduce your risk of getting sick. Protect yourself from picking up germs by washing your hands regularly and remembering not to touch your face.

 3.  Get Plenty of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep as well as poor quality sleep can have a negative effect on your immune system. Cytokines are proteins that are released during sleep and play an important role in your body’s ability to fight infections.

 4.  Eat Well

Eating a healthy, balanced diet which is rich in whole foods, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds; is important for a healthy immune system. A large part of your immune system is in your digestive tract therefore it is essential to keep your intestinal lining healthy and functioning well.

 5.  Stress Less

Find a release valve for your stress. According to Oriental medicine, stress, frustration, and unresolved anger can play an important part in throwing the immune system off and allowing pathogens to affect the body. Managing stress, especially long-term stress, may help people to fight germs.

 6.  Drink lots of Water

Drinking lots of water helps flush toxins from the body and keeps mucus in the respiratory tract thin. If you have a cold, mucus increases to fight the infection and keeping the mucus thin can make it easier for it to be expelled from the body either through coughing or a runny nose.

 7.  Regular Exercise

Regular gentle exercise is good for both your immune system and your mental health. Exercise boosts blood flow, which circulates white blood cells around your body. White blood cells are part of the immune system and the body’s first line of defense. They travel through your blood and tissues looking for foreign invaders like fungi, parasites viruses and bacteria.

 8.  Spend time outdoors

Being cooped up inside buildings with recirculated air in winter can help viruses to spread. Use your lunch break to go outside, get some fresh air and replenish your store of Vitamin D from sunshine