Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? According to the International Foundation
for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD), an estimated 25-45 million people in the United States have IBS (source). This all-too-common disease is characterized by chronic stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, excess gas, and irregular bowel movements. While there’s no known cure for IBS, however, acupuncture may offer relief. A recent study conducted by researchers in the U.K. found acupuncture to offer relief of IBS symptoms. For the study, researchers split 233 IBS patients into two groups, one of which receive acupuncture plus the usual care, while the second group strictly received the usual care. Researchers in the study conclude…“Acupuncture for irritable bowel
syndrome provided an additional benefit over usual care alone. The magnitude of the effect was sustained over the longer term. Acupuncture should be considered as a treatment option to be offered
in primary care alongside other evidenced based treatments.”
So, how is this Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) able to treat IBS? Traditional Chinese belief states that our bodies has an active energy force (Qi) which connects our organs and vital systems. Normally,  Qi flows without obstruction, traveling along defined paths known as the meridian system. When a blockage occurs within the body, blood becomes stagnant and systems are vulnerable to disease and illness, which is where acupuncture comes into play. Acupuncture involves the placement of
thin needles in specific areas of the body, rightfully known as acupuncture points. While the exact number of acupuncture points has fluctuated over the years, TCM practitioners give the ballpark figure of roughly 2,000, all of which are spread across 12 major meridians and 8 secondary meridians. The
primary function of acupuncture is to restore Qi by correcting blockages in the meridians.
When Qi begins to flow, diseases and health conditions such as IBS correct themselves. Will acupuncture cure your IBS? There’s no enough evidence to definitively say that it’s a cure for IBS. However, numerous studies, including the one cited above, attest to the healing power of acupuncture. Whether you experience minor or severe symptoms as a result of IBS, you should consider seeking acupuncture.
It’s a safe, painless and highly effective way to treat a wide variety of diseases, only of which is Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Call (904)448-0046 today for more information on how we can help!

Food To Avoid if you Suffer from IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive condition characterized by chronic stomach pain, bloating, irregular bowel movements, diarrhea and/or constipation. It’s estimated that upwards of 15% of the United States population suffers from IBS, many of whom do not even realize it. While there’s no
known cure for IBS, individuals can prevent symptoms from occurring by avoiding the consumption of certain foods.

Brussels Sproutshealthyfood15
Although they are loaded in beneficial nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin
B6, folate, manganese and fiber, Brussels sprouts should be avoided by people with
IBS. This fun-sized vegetable can worsen the symptoms of IBS by promoting excess
gas and abdominal pain. While each and every case of IBS is unique, most people
report adverse symptoms after consuming Brussels sprouts.


Another food that you should avoid is broccoli. This crunchy, stalky vegetable is high in fiber and it promotes gas – two elements that can worsen IBS symptoms. It’s important to note, however,that cooking broccoli may eliminate some or all of its negative effects. So if raw,uncooked broccoli triggers a bout of IBS, try steaming or sautéing it. Doing so may allow you to reap the nutritional benefits of this
vegetable without irritating your digestive system.

The truth is that any high-fiber vegetable may cause digestive issues in people with IBS, broccoli and Brussels sprouts may not be the only culprits.

You may want to think twice before eating a milk-filled bowl of cereal for breakfast in the morning, as it can worsen IBS symptoms. Normally, the small intestine does a pretty good job at breaking down lactose. If there’s not enough enzymes to perform this operation, some of it will travel to the large intestine where it’s fermented. Not only will this cause gas, but it can also cause bloating, cramps, spasms and diarrhea. For a healthier   alternative try almond milk instead

It should come as no surprise that beans is on our list of foods for IBS
sufferers to avoid. Beans (legumes) contain a special type of sugar known as
oligosaccharide, whichthe body is unable to break down. Since they aren’t broken
down in the same manner as other sugars,oligosaccharides pass through the small
and large intestines, at which point bacteria converts them to gas

Alternative Remedies


Probiotics are live microbial organisms that are naturally present in the digestive tract and vagina. Sometimes referred to as “friendly” bacteria, probiotics are purported to maintain promote a healthy immune system including maintaining a healthy balance of probiotic bacteria in the gut.

With are over 400 species of microorganisms in the human digestive tract, maintaining the balance between beneficial bacteria and potentially harmful bacteria is very important. One theory is that people with irritable bowel syndrome may have an imbalance in their normal intestinal bacteria, with an overgrowth of gas-producing bacteria.

Digestive Enzymes

Taken with meals, digestive enzymes assist in breaking down foods for better absorption


Getting at least 30minutes of non-competitive exercise each day, such as walking or yoga, can relieve stress, releases natural painkilling endorphins, and keeps your body as well as digestive system working in smooth order

Drink Tea

Peppermint tea is know for it’s anti-spasmodic properties which relaxes the intestines and relieves gas pain. Ginger is another digestive soothing tea to add to your daily intake.

Graze, Don’t Gorge

Eating smaller meals avoids over stimulation of the digestive system

Cut down on caffeine

Caffeine worsens IBS symptoms by irritating the intestines

Reduce Stress

People suffering from IBS will notice symptoms worsening with increased stress. Adding stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing and even hypnosis can help improve IBS.